Shifting Perspectives: The Power of Writing in the Third Person

In the realm of creative expression, the choices we make as writers profoundly shape the narratives we create. One such choice is the perspective from which we choose to write. While first person narratives offer a personal touch, exploring the world through the eyes of "I," or the collective voice of "we," there is an often overlooked perspective that can breathe new life into our words—the third person view. In this blog post, we will delve into the power of writing in the third person and how it can shift our perspectives, both when writing for ourselves and for others. Additionally, we will explore if any psychological studies support this notion. Let's embark on this transformative journey of language and perspective.

Expanding the Self

When we write in the third person, we detach ourselves from the immediacy of our experiences, allowing us to observe and analyze our thoughts and actions from a more objective standpoint. By narrating our own story or that of others using names, pronouns like "he" or "she," or even employing the omniscient voice, we gain an invaluable tool for self-reflection and exploration. This shift in perspective can create a psychological distance, enabling us to see ourselves as characters within our narratives, with all their complexities, strengths, and weaknesses. As a result, we can gain fresh insights and develop a deeper understanding of our own identities, motivations, and emotions.

Enhancing Empathy and Understanding

When we write for others using the third person perspective, we invite readers to step into the shoes of our characters and connect with them on a deeper level. By detaching ourselves from the narrative, we create space for the readers to form their own opinions and interpretations, fostering a more immersive and empathetic reading experience. This shift encourages readers to engage in the characters' experiences, challenges, and triumphs, expanding their understanding of different perspectives and promoting empathy. By adopting the third person view, we bridge the gap between writer and reader, forging a powerful connection through shared emotions and human experiences.

Psychological Studies and Evidence

While there isn't an abundance of specific studies directly examining the effects of writing in the third person, several related studies provide insights into its potential benefits. Psychological research suggests that adopting an objective perspective, such as the third person view, can enhance cognitive processes related to self-reflection and emotional regulation. Studies on self-distancing, a technique that involves adopting an external perspective on oneself, have shown that it can reduce the intensity of negative emotions and facilitate problem-solving. Although these studies focus more on self-reflection rather than writing, they provide a compelling framework for understanding the potential psychological benefits of writing in the third person.


In the realm of creative writing, the power of perspective cannot be underestimated. Shifting from the first or second person to the third person view opens up a world of possibilities for both the writer and the reader. By stepping outside ourselves and examining our own stories or those of others from a different angle, we gain insights that can shape our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Additionally, writing in the third person view enables us to foster empathy and understanding in our readers, inviting them to embark on a transformative journey alongside our characters.

While concrete psychological studies focusing solely on the effects of writing in the third person may be limited, related research on self-distancing and cognitive processes offers support for the potential benefits of this perspective shift. Ultimately, the power of writing lies in its ability to challenge and expand our perspectives, and the third person view provides a valuable tool for achieving that transformation.

So, next time you sit down to write, consider the power of the third person view. Embrace the narrative possibilities it offers, and watch as it shapes your writing and leaves a lasting impact.


The Language of Art & Design